As being a blogger, I love meeting other bloggers. Maybe it’s just the common ground that we have a blog together, or we have a little bit deeper appreciation for what we do, or that we are just cool people (don’t worry, you are too!)
I also love my MBB readers…SO, I wanted to share with YOU some awesome blogs from time to time, so we can all get to know each other. This truly is a community and one that I love!
First up in the blogger spotlight… this girl comments on MBB facebook all the time. I love her spunk, honesty and of course, food!
Meet Alyssa, she’s beautiful, talented and the owner of Cooking From a SAHM.
To be honest, one of the reasons why she has stole my heart is because we both share a deep love for family and growing our own food. She is passionate about family values and engaging the kids to cook with her and for that I think she’s a pretty cool mom!
Want to know more? Here’s what Alyssa has to say:
I want to thank Amber from Mama’s Blissful Bites for featuring my blog on her blog. My name is Alyssa and I’m the owner of Cooking From A SAHM. I’m the mom of two girls…Meghan Brianna (5) and Karina Grace (3). I of course am a Stay at home mom. I cook, clean ….do all the mommy duties I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way. I started blogging almost 2 years ago…boy has time flown. When I first started it I would of never dreamed that I would be past 5 K in fans. When I first started my blog it was just to share my dinner plans. I never thought it would get so big. I just wanted to reach 50 fans.
What is my motivation your motivation? (MBB)
My goal is and always will be to get kids in the kitchen. I feel it is very important. I also like to encourage family to eat at the table. I firmly believe that by including kids in the kitchen it will make them aware of food…Plus give them food appreciation. They will wanna try new foods if they have helped make it.
What is the most important thing I want my readers to know? (MBB)
I think I would want them to be encouraged by my blog….I hope they know that without them my blog wouldn’t be the same.
What most inspires you? (MBB)
My kids….specifically my oldest. She’s my little foodie. She often will come to me with ideas. My food blogging friends often inspire me as well as encourage me.
I think other then my kids….the thing that I’m most proud of is how I have reached other families and encouraged them. Even if it’s just providing meal ideas for them. To know that I have reached them makes me happy.
Here are her top three recipes:

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