Running with Anxiety and Stress

Today was probably one of the best days I’ve had in a while.

After visiting the ER room the other evening for irregular heartbeat, the docs suggested I reduce stress and calm my anxiety, which may or may not be the culprit. Stress and anxiety – I didn’t know about those two words until I got older. They stink.

When I asked if I could still run, the doctor replied, “I’m not going to tell you no…just take it slow.”

That’s all I needed to hear. I really didn’t want my dreams to end so soon.

When I first started this blog, January 11, 2012, my first post was about tea. The tea that made my stomachache finally diminish. The doctors referred to this as postpartum depression.

If I have learned anything about myself on this two year journey, it would be the honest truth that through diet and a healthy lifestyle (in all areas of life) a person can be enriched with the things they need without alcohol, medicine etc.

I know where I need to be. It’s just fighting myself to get there.

So today, I started off with a healthy breakfast. We use the word healthy to represent a type of eating however, what it means to one person doesn’t mean the same to another. Some people start their day off with protein, some with carbs, some with both and some with none. Through all of the books I have read on being a Health Coach (which are a lot of books), they always say the main key point is to listen to your body. What does that mean? It means to be a little bit intuitive. It means to see how your body reacts to certain foods. It means I have to stop the fight and open up my eyes and ears.

What kick starts my day, may not be the same as yours, but I like it…

Hemp Shake.


Include one banana, almond milk and hemp protein and I’m good to go.

I can even successfully forgo the second cup of coffee only needing one. 😉

And you know what they say, when you make one good decision, it leads to another.

I had grapes for a snack instead of my delicious helping of chocolate marshmallows. Did I really admit that?

Look, all I know is that I’m human. I like chocolate, (dark specifically, or white. No, maybe with caramel…anyways…) soda (specifically my love for Mountain Dew) coffee and greek yogurt. It may not be in that order, but these are things I love.

What does food have to do with my anxiety and rapid heart rate? It’s one of the main contributors.

I should have known when I drank coffee, Mountain Dew and beer all day that I was going to be completely dehydrated. I should have known, because I’ve been there before, what it’s like to deprive the body of something it requires and needs. (PS That was one bottle of beer and I hardly drink… Maybe once every three months).
So, I did what any normal person would do after the doctor said, “Go Slow” on running, I wanted to see how fast I could run. LOL. Who likes being told they can’t do anything? I had to know if I’m going to be alright, right?

Displaying photo 3.JPG

Here’s the most blurry photo I could give you. (PS You’re welcome) Try taking a photo while running – yup, that’s exactly what that is.

My husband was home for a few hours (YES!) and I was able to get a run in. I have to say, I heard so many bangs and noises that I stopped running twice in the first mile. I just wanted to check to make sure all was well 😉 and thankfully they were all playing…loudly.

By the first mile, I was warmed up and ready to go. I think I went slow on the first mile just to make sure my heart was good and by the second one, I was ready. I kept up at a comfort pace and was honest to myself. After not running all summer, my time was far from impeccable.

The point is that I did it and I have a starting point to where I can improve from. I signed up for my first race of the New Year and am REALLY excited to go.

One of the reasons why I love to run is how it diminishes my negativity. I sweat it out, I would like to think.

I always sore I wasn’t a runner. I’m too short, I have a booty of a bumble bee (as my son says), I’m not long and slim…but I do have one thing a runner has, and that’s a want to achieve with a positive attitude.

I look forward to being on this journey again. Yes sometimes I do fall off the track, especially when life gets a little out-of-hand… but I’m always ready to pick it up and work towards my goal of being healthy and appreciative of life.





  1. Pete Larson says:

    Hang in there with the anxiety, I’ve felt the same thing with my heart from time to time and running more often makes me feel better, not worse. I’ve overcome the worst of mine, though I don’t know that I’ll ever stop being somewhat anxious, it’s just my nature. One book the I’d recommend is Spark by John Ratey. He talks about how exercise can help alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety, and there is good science to back this up. Stick with it!

    • mamapoole says:

      Thank you so much for your advice. I already ordered the book 😉 Looking forward to a good read! Cheers Pete!

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