Challenges for the At-Home Trainer: #Running

I know ahead of the game that there are going to be challenges to face when completing my goal of running my first 10k. Challenges for the at-home trainer with two kids and a very hard working husband, yup, that would be me! I wanted to make sure I confront my challenges and find solutions for them prior to starting, so I did. By doing so, I’m going to better prepare myself for that slump up ahead when/if I need I fall.

CHALLENGE #1: No babysitters

Not only am a stay-at-home-mom, but I have no babysitters! We rarely see family and my husband works crazy hours. The problem: Making time to complete my activities with nobody to watch the children.

SOLUTION: Getting up at odd hours to complete my activities. I did it before and I can do it again. Sometimes this means waking up at 4am to roll back in bed at 5 and sleep for an hour. Sometimes, I have to run at 10pm just to get it in… Another solution was a baby monitor. While Jim (the treadmill) is quite loud, I have a monitor to see if there’s any movement while the kiddos (should be!) are sleeping.

CHALLENGE #2: Finding the Motivation

Let’s be honest, there are times when I don’t want to roll out of bed at 4am to run…what should I do?

SOLUTION: Suck it up and do it anyway! The chances that I’m going to feel “bad or guilty” that I ran are slim to none. I never thought, “Geez, I wish I didn’t do that again!” after a run. Okay, not true….after eating a lot I did. 🙂 Get ‘er done!

CHALLENGE #3: The pitty-party game…

I remember last time there were times when I thought, “This is so hard. I can’t do it…” The problem was really that I lacked support and not that I couldn’t do it, I can do it. I can do anything I want (yup, and so can you!)

SOLUTION: Replace those Negative Nancy thoughts with Positive Pam! Remind myself the reasons for running and wanting to become healthy all over again.

Because I am a “single” stay-at-home mom, I need to do all my training at my home. It wouldn’t be wise to sign up for a gym membership considering I may not be able to get there every time I want.

To cross-train, I found an AMAZING program.

As long as you have Comcast on Demand, you can do it with me too!


(Source Link for Photo)

It’s called Yoga for Athletes. Be sure to look for it in the Sports and Fitness in the Comcast Demand Section.

I wish it was a video, or if it is, I wish I could find it 🙁

This guy goes through an 18 minute series of fantastic hip openers and stretches. I’m usually really flexible and this one gave me an intermediate challenge. If you can find it, get it! It’s free too.

For at-home Strength Training, I’m going back to one of my favorite DVD’s, 10 Minute Solution Kickboxing Bootcamp.

This is the month/year of the healthy me. I feel like every year, I get a little bit closer and I’m not going to give up either!

Are you doing something healthy for yourself today? Let me know what it is!


One comment

  1. anant mendiratta says:

    Wow. It was inspiring to know how, inspite of being a mom, you convert every daily challenge into an effective solution. There goes the saying – “Excuses don’t burn calories.” – and you really know how to put up to excuses with sheer dedication. 🙂 Kudos. 🙂

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