This dish reminds me of why I started to blog years ago. I was on a mission to eat real food and bring my body back to a status of healthy once again. My first post, Ginger Lemon Tea, is still one of my favorites that I have all winter long.
I always remember how I want to eat when I’m not doing well or am sick. Have you ever realized when you’re sick, your body doesn’t want to eat things like sweets and junk foods? No, instead the body craves for replenishing water and foods with substance or nutrients.
What started off as a simple, (navy) bean, sweet potato soup, ended up in a different pool of flavors. My girlfriend and I went to Whole Foods months ago and I found two specialty items that I have always wanted to try – Mung Beans and Kombu. When I saw them at the market, I quick grabbed them and fast forward a season later, I’m finally ready to put them to use!
I remember reading somewhere that sea vegetables are very important to add to a persons diet, so I was excited when I saw kombu. After all, kombu is part of the kelp family. When simmering in water, it leaves a sea scent. (I don’t know how else to say that!) But in the soup, I could barely taste it. I had a hint of it, but it was not over powering at all.
Mung beans are quite tasty and remind me of lentils. I would really love to sprout my own or even try mung bean paste. Can you believe a bean has so much potential?
I had every intention on making a bean and sweet potato soup, but I had no idea, it was going to be this good!
I’m starting off the season with real foods again. Knowing that I am eating healthy foods, real foods, will help me battle the cold/flu season even better.