Cinnamon Apple Chips

Apples are here year around. It’s one of the luxuries we have. Apples come from far places and greet me at the grocery store. And believe me, I greet them back as I pile bags in the cart. During the fall season, I travel to the farm and grab bags of local apples. They are so perfect, crisp and sweet to taste. This is still the best time for apples.

As I was browsing through recipes, I came across apple chips and thought about how heavenly they would be. The recipe had a mixture of sugar and cinnamon but plain cinnamon was just as good. They are easy to make and delicious that you may want to grab a big glass jar and have lots on hand. I tried my little experiment with two apples and they went mighty fast.


  • 2 apples: cored and sliced
  • cinnamon


Step 1: Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

Step 2: Prepare an 11×17 baking pan with parchment paper.

Step 3: Core and slice apples thin. Try to make sure they are the same width so they cook evenly. I used a mandolin.

Step 4: Sprinkle with cinnamon. (I used my finger and rubbed it into the apples for a nice coating.)

Step 5: Bake for 2-3 hours, flipping them over halfway.  If you have a dehydrator, use that, but if not, oven works just as well.

You’ll notice when to flip them because the ends start to curl up and it feels “dry.”

Step 6: Share…

… but make sure to have a little extra hiding for yourself! They go quickly.