Part 2 – The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities

As promised, here is our second activity for the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This book is a great childhood classic. If you are unfamiliar with it, please go to your library and check it out. They also have cds and videos portraying the book as well.

In Part 1 of The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities, we made a beautiful hand-print butterfly (click here). One that I will always keep to see my sons tiny little fingers. Ahh, a mother’s love!

What’s that? We made a butterfly? We need to make a caterpillar first? Oh yes, that’s right! (I have no idea why I hear things when I type!)

The creation of the caterpillar was so much fun for both kids. My 3 year and 21 month old. BOTH. Educational + Fun = Win! Win! (Even my husband got in on the crawling fun!)


  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Crayons

Ahead of time: Cut out three circles, different sizes for the body.


1. As you’re teaching your child how to put together a caterpillar, discuss the circles and how they are different sizes. Which one is the biggest? Which one is the smallest? Have them glue down the caterpillar

2. Color in a face: Add an eye and a beautiful smile! Use the pipe cleaners for antennas and legs!

For extra fun, we cut other pieces and pasted them on the picture as well. When we’re finished, we tape them to the wall for our “Weekly Museum.” This way we can see everything we accomplished for that week. I’ll take pictures of the artwork and then scrapbook the pictures for years to come. By doing this, we all aren’t stuck with lots of crafts that “clutter” up the house for years to come. The kids can look back and see what they did. If it’s a special piece, like the butterfly, click here for part 1, then I’m going to keep it.  I love the size of their hands!

Enjoy your wall of activities as well!